Financial Columnist

Ken Fisher is a regular contributor to several publications, including the New York Post in the United States; the Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; Australia’s most read newspaper, The Australian; Denmark’s leading business newspaper, Børsen; Ireland’s The Business Post; Singapore’s The Business Times; Taiwan’s Business Weekly; Caixin—often called the “Bloomberg of China”; Israel’s Calcalist; South Korea’s largest business paper, Chosun Weekly Biz; Japan’s Diamond Weekly; Spain’s largest business website and newspaper, elEconomista; Saudi Arabia’s Al Eqtisadiah; Mexico’s El Financiero; Germany’s Focus Money; Canada’s most read newspaper, The Globe and Mail; Switzerland’s leading business paper, Handelszeitung; the Hong Kong Economic Journal; Argentina’s Infobae; Belgium’s La Libre; the United Arab Emirates’ The National; France’s L’Opinion; Sweden’s Privata Affärer; Italy’s third-largest newspaper and number one business paper, Il Sole 24 Ore; the Netherlands’ largest newspaper, De Telegraaf; and Austria’s Trend.

Ken is perhaps best known for his "Portfolio Strategy" column in Forbes magazine, which ran from 1984 through 2016, making him the longest continuously running columnist in Forbes’ history. You can navigate the full history of Ken Fisher’s market calls through his writings in Forbes via the Ken Fisher interactive timeline.

Not all past forecasts were, nor future forecasts will be, as accurate as those presented here. Forecasts are Ken Fisher's personal forecasts of the overall market as published in Forbes and do not represent the performance of Fisher Investments. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing in securities involves the risk of loss.


By Ken Fisher, Caixin, Friday, September 20, 2024


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美大選陰霾漸減 股市年底走高

By Ken Fisher, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Friday, September 6, 2024

暗殺未遂、遲來的候選人更換、競選團隊遭黑客攻擊、民調搖擺不定,2024年美國總統大選還會發生什麼意想不到的事情?雖然全球投資者都擔心出現最糟糕情況,但股市不會因這場戲劇般的大選而動搖。大選的不確定性一旦下降,應會推動全球股市在年底前走高。至於恒指能否因而獲益,則是未知之數。故此,投資者最好還是選擇全 ...

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Ken Fisher Dromekvationen ar lika realistisk som kalorifria semlor

By Ken Fisher, Privata Affärer, Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Trygga hamnar med börsliknande avkastning kan låta frestande i orostider. Tyvärr är det lika realistiskt som fred på jorden och kalorifria semlor. Det skriver miljardären Ken Fisher i sin fjärde krönika för Privata Affärer där han förklarar hur du på bästa sätt får portföljen att växa.

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How to forecast better using stocks’ secret timeframe test

By Ken Fisher, The National, Monday, September 2, 2024

US debt, the yen carry trade, global warming, labour interruptions, US Social Security’s potential future insolvency, Big Tech antitrust battles, declining birth rates – what do they all have in common? That they can’t have much real impact on stocks.

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Harris or Trump, America’s election is sweet music for stocks

By Ken Fisher, Business Times Singapore, Monday, September 2, 2024

An assassination attempt, a late candidate swap, campaign hacking, flip-flopping polls—what else awaits in 2024’s wild US election? Investors worldwide fear the worst. But there is good news: Stocks likely won’t suffer the drama. Falling election uncertainty should power global stocks through yearend, lifting the STI. 

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“Her er grundene til, at vi ikke er på vej mod et bear-marked”

By Ken Fisher, Børsen, Saturday, August 31, 2024

Et legendarisk ordsprog, som for længst er glemt, lyder: “Bull-markeder dør med et klynk – ikke med et brag.” I det aktuelle marked i august er der tale om et brag med fald i de globale aktiekurser på næsten 10 pct. på lidt over 14 handelsdage.

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